(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)

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发声: 语速:

“ l durhere wr—” sses ds, ex u yed tr ud, you .”

“lre ryhey were.”

“’t wr.” ed .”

“l.” drd u.”

“tell y,” drr, y u.”

r er r old d ter, t .

“,” d k yrry u.”

ed whr h.

, id of fettr to kee kee ke y ee d tr, , where ss.

d lry d brik tree. re tr.

he sure ’s rehehind.

“yve to get rid .”

dr. .

“and why w ”

“ y luky even tell y.”


t keew.

“tr ke re of you. yve t g d yve tl , for goe everyt tu.”


r 34



k, reee in e ue frr.

“r,” drd d f f yere’ver y ver.”

lly y here’s b

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